WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation
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WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation
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Curated by Farid Mheir
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Amazon’s Secret Sauce

Amazon’s Secret Sauce | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it

The leader in digital retail, of course, is Amazon. It’s well known how they’ve revolutionized retail (and, more impressively, continue to revolutionize it). What’s less well known is how they’ve done it.

We did some analysis recently to understand how Amazon continuously moves the bar ever higher. In that analysis, we think, are clues for how multichannel retailers can improve their own operations and create the kind of customer experiences that Amazon has made standard across so many industries. Here is a short slideshow of the most intriguing insights we found:

Farid Mheir's insight:

Slide 9 : McKinsey presents very convincing arguments to show how Amazon has addressed almost all of the top reasons that prevent consumers from buying online vs. in-store. This should be required reading for all store owners and managers during startegic planning season.

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Scooped by Farid Mheir

Forrester: SaaS And Data-Driven “Smart” Apps Fueling Worldwide Software Growth | TechCrunch

Forrester: SaaS And Data-Driven “Smart” Apps Fueling Worldwide Software Growth | TechCrunch | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it

The SaaS software market will increase 25 percent in 2013 to $59 billion, a 25 percent increase. In 2014, the market is expected to total $75 billion. Forrester uses the term “smart computing” to define apps that, for instance, provide direct access to data for decision-making. It also includes data analytics and business intelligence in the category.

The research firm forecasts the smart computing software market to be $41 billion in 2013, increasing to $48 billion in 2014. According to Forrester, these smart-process apps overlap with SaaS products “because the browser-based access model for SaaS products works better for collaboration among internal and external participants than behind-the-firewall deployments.” As a corollary, these smart computing products, like SaaS, are growing far faster than the overall software market.

Farid Mheir's insight:

Also noteworthy, HR is +9% and ePurchasing +10%

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Six QR code campaigns that actually worked

Six QR code campaigns that actually worked | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it
QR codes are now a common feature in marketing campaigns, though many people are often sceptical about their value.
Farid Mheir's insight:

Not surprising QR codes that worked involved coupons (i.e. free money) or  inherently mobile device usage (i.e. London transportation). So there is a place for QR codes, just not everywhere.

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Scooped by Farid Mheir

Prediction for 2013: “Operations” becomes a key word in marketer’s vocabulary

Underlying the progress around social media, advanced analytics, and mobile, marketers still are grappling with processes and management.

"... we were struck by how every executive speaker made a strong reference to the significant changes they have had to make to their operations. The brand campaigns, social programs, mobile experiments, and changes to their websites were wonderful and inspiring to see. But underlying all of this progress was a non-stop drumbeat of mentions of “the incredibly heavy lifting it took to get our mobile activities off the ground,” or “the newsroom-like style in which we now manage our social media activities”, or “the integration between marketing and IT we had to force to release our next generation site.”

Farid Mheir's insight:

Not easy making the digital transformation as it requires structure and methodology that are more part of the IT curriculum than the makreting one.

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Scooped by Farid Mheir

Tomorrow’s world: A guide to the next 150 years

Tomorrow’s world: A guide to the next 150 years | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it

As we begin a new year, BBC Future has compiled 40 intriguing predictions made by scientists, politicians, journalists, bloggers and other assorted pundits in recent years about the shape of the world from 2013 to 2150. Explore our graphical guide to the advances of the future, from 2013 to 2150.

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Scooped by Farid Mheir

Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2013

Gartner, Inc. today highlighted the top 10 technologies and trends that will be strategic for most organizations in 2013. Analysts presented their findings during Gartner Symposium/ITxpo, being held here through October 25.
Farid Mheir's insight:

It is the season to make those predictions again. Few surprises...

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Scooped by Farid Mheir

Security Threats in 2013 | Sophos Security Threat Report

Read about the latest cyber security trends in the Sophos Security Threat Report 2013. From Sophos, the leader in Antivirus, Encryption, Email Spam Protection, DLP, Endpoint and Network Security.
Farid Mheir's insight:

Amazing description of the sophistication behind the Blackhole malware and "service" where affiliates are paid for redirecting users to be infected!

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Scooped by Farid Mheir

Walmart embraces ‘showrooming’ | Canadian Grocer

Walmart embraces ‘showrooming’ | Canadian Grocer | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it

Walmart is leveraging customers’ smartphones as one more way to make a sale.

And the key is to give customers reasons to use Walmart’s app while they’re in a physical store.

Walmart’s stores are “geo-fenced,” said Wire.com, so the location-aware app enters “store mode” when a customer enters through the door.

Once their phones are in store mode, customers are given an interactive version of the weekly on-sale circular for that store. Customers can see what’s new in the store and can scan bar codes with the phone’s camera for prices and lists of everything in a shopper’s cart so they know their total before getting to the checkout.

Wired.com points out that Walmart has effectively lured customer into two stores at once as the Walmart app interface lets you “flip” between the two stores–physical and digital.

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Scooped by Farid Mheir

Protecting information in the cloud - McKinsey Quarterly

Protecting information in the cloud - McKinsey Quarterly | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it
IT and business executives need to apply a risk-management approach that balances economic value against risks. A McKinsey Quarterly Business Technology article.
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Scooped by Farid Mheir

30 Under 30: NYC's First Chief Digital Officer

Rachel Haot oversees New York City's online presence including its web site, its 280 distinct social media channels and she is working to bring free Wi-Fi to...
Farid Mheir's insight:

If NYC can do it than why don't more companies follow the lead? Moreover, digital transformation of the NYC, open city and the introduction of mobile apps such as 311 NYC are key to empowering its citizens, no?

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Dropbox Security | Securing Data Protection in the Cloud | Sophos

Learn What Can Go Wrong When Employees Use Dropbox for File-Sharing and How to Secure Your Corporate Data. Download this Step By Step Guide from Sophos Today.
Farid Mheir's insight:

The only Dropbox Security Strategy: restrict access and encrypt all data? Does not sound like a very good solution to me as people will always find way around the controls. Better to keep it open but have clear reports on the actual files being transferred and stored on the cloud?

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Scooped by Farid Mheir

Internet to account for 20 per cent of holiday purchases

Internet to account for 20 per cent of holiday purchases | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it
Lack of online opportunity means Canadians lag far behind U.K., U.S.
Farid Mheir's insight:

No surprise, Canada is behind on eCommerce. Canada is 5-6years behind US+UK+DE in eCommerce, with Internet to account for 20% of holiday purchases. Interesting that Lowes hardware store was able to setup and launch an eCommerce website in only 8 months.

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Google Flu Trends offers grim diagnoses for Canada

Google Flu Trends offers grim diagnoses for Canada
Farid Mheir's insight:

Ever wondered what "big data" is all about? Well Google Flu is a great example: it looks at searches for flu symptoms and reports the results, often providing results before the "official" ones....

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Build Your Own Google Glass - IEEE Spectrum

Build Your Own Google Glass - IEEE Spectrum | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it
A wearable computer that displays information and records video
Farid Mheir's insight:

What are the business opportunities here?

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Scooped by Farid Mheir

LastPass 2.0: Managing and Protecting Your Online Life

LastPass 2.0: Managing and Protecting Your Online Life | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it
Farid Mheir's insight:

Good alternative to writing down the passwords in a notepad or using the same password over and over...

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Get Your Business Ready For 2013 13 tips / tools from Google+

Get Your Business Ready For 2013 13 tips / tools from Google+ | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it
Get Your Business Ready For 2013
13 tips / tools from +Google+ Your Business 

Tip #1: Google AdWords -> goo.gl/kZbvN
Tip #2: Google Analytics ->…
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Scooped by Farid Mheir

Enterprise architecture in the age of cloud services

Enterprise architecture in the age of cloud services | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it
This article shows how to use an enterprise architecture to specify requirements for public cloud service, using a hybrid software as a service (SaaS) example.
Farid Mheir's insight:

Interesting presentation of the IBM cloud reference architecture and its ties to EA.

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Scooped by Farid Mheir

The Concept of Cloud Technology dates back to the 1950s

Farid Mheir's insight:

Precursor view from a Canadian visionary.

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Digital Business Transformation [DBT): the Journey Must Begin Now (supply chain management)

Farid Mheir's insight:

A bit dated (2005), this University research highlights the supply chain transformation from Industrial Age to Information Age. 

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Scooped by Farid Mheir

Kill the Password: Why a String of Characters Can't Protect Us Anymore | Gadget Lab | Wired.com

Kill the Password: Why a String of Characters Can't Protect Us Anymore | Gadget Lab | Wired.com | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it
You have a secret that can ruin your life. It’s not a well-kept secret, either. Just a simple string of characters—maybe six of them if you’re careless, 16 if you’re cautious—that can reveal everything about you.
Farid Mheir's insight:

Very good overview of reasons why passwords fail. We must go beyond the password and encourage solution providers to build more advanced and seamless protection systems. 

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Rescooped by Farid Mheir from L'Univers du Cloud Computing dans le Monde et Ailleurs

Vos données publiques répondent-elles à vos questions secrètes ?

Vos données publiques répondent-elles à vos questions secrètes ? | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it
Savez-vous que vos données partagées en public sur les réseaux sociaux peuvent être de précieux indices pour des personnes mal intentionnées ?

Via Patrick Bouillaud
Farid Mheir's insight:

Ging digital means you trust computer systems with more and more private and confidential information, Again here, one of the reasons why passwords fail. We must go beyond the password and encourage solution providers to build more advanced and seamless protection systems. Here, evidence shows that even the most complex passwords will fail when hackers can simply ask for them to be reset using publicly available information on Facebook and other websites.

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What 100 Experts Think About The Future Of Learning

What 100 Experts Think About The Future Of Learning | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it
100 Resources For The Intersection Of Learning And Technology (Tech Ed Vision of the Digital Transformation: What 100 Experts Think About The Future Of Learning http://t.co/yuDp9VBR)...
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Scooped by Farid Mheir

Yellow Media pays down $1.5 billion in debt, continuing digital transformation | Marketing Magazine

Yellow Media pays down $1.5 billion in debt, continuing digital transformation | Marketing Magazine | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it
During the #digital transformation, Yellow Media pays $1.5B in debt: http://t.co/Y5aWVfw7
Farid Mheir's insight:

What happens when corporations do not make the digital transformation fast enough and wait until the market has completely shifted to catch-up: shareholders have to pay the price, or the company goes bankrupt. Was the same for Netflix vs Blockbuster. Expect more of the same in the future.  Amazon vs ? Who will it be?....

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What's Better for Today's Businesses: Google Apps or Microsoft Office?

What's Better for Today's Businesses: Google Apps or Microsoft Office? | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it
Google is encroaching on Microsoft's traditional enterprise customers. Should the software giant be worried?
Farid Mheir's insight:

Simple: knowledge workers that are not computer friendly or live inside of outlook for most of their days will be better off with office365. Others, especially those infrequent email users with minimal office needs - word, excel, powerpoint - will find google apps sufficient for their daily tasks.

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Scooped by Farid Mheir

Accelerating Digital Transformation: Understanding and Setting Up a Digital Services Unit

RT @CapgeminiConsul: Key Considerations for Digital Services Unit Implementation http://t.co/oYWoj0W4 #digitaltransformation
Farid Mheir's insight:

Along with a Chief Digital Officer, looks like the corporations that really want to embrace digital transformation need to think in terms of the creation of a digital unit, ither controlled by IT or marketing. Interesting...

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Curated by Farid Mheir
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