WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation
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WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation
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State of the Art In Store Sensor Technologies #sensorFusion #storeOfTheFuture via @RetailNext

State of the Art In Store Sensor Technologies #sensorFusion #storeOfTheFuture via @RetailNext | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it

With a growing demand from retailers to solve evermore complex problems, retail analytics technologies have grown in sophistication and capabilities, and new sensor fusion is bringing multiple technologies into a single, easy-to-deploy instrument.

Farid Mheir's insight:

WHY IT MATTERS: this webinar provides a very good explanation of different sensors that can be deployed in store, with descriptions of PROS and CONS for each one. Obviously it is specific to the products from RetailNext that provide a sensor-fusion device.

The webinar is available here directly: https://retailnext.net/en/webinar/state-of-the-art-in-store-sensor-technologies-ensuring-technology-works-for-you/?watch=6044&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTkRGaVptVmlNMlprT0dReiIsInQiOiJYMVhlR1Q0bUFYSDBhMDhFVkdFTEptK0JiRk1qTXNtXC94bWdOblZ4eWJjdHVuVkpUZDNBWnpzSUREdDA0OTN1MGpjcW9pSkh5d0FQVFAxQnh0SHdablBFUEt3VDArUDRlNGhMS0ZqbVwveFQ3TW9LdnJcL1Ezblo1TXd4aVpKQkc5eiJ9 

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Scooped by Farid Mheir

How Emerging Technologies Are Impacting Industries

How Emerging Technologies Are Impacting Industries | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it

This article serves as a briefing on how various industries can strategically utilize emerging technologies in and around the world today. This is not an exhaustive list, but rather an introduction…

Farid Mheir's insight:

WHY IT MATTERS: my digital transformation framework includes such an opportunity matrix to help executives explore what is possible to do with digital technologies. This list can thus be a useful starting point for such exploration.

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Scooped by Farid Mheir

Email this to your CEO with subject "URGENT" & ask what they are doing about this today? - Why digital transformation is now on the CEO’s shoulders via @McKinsey

Email this to your CEO with subject "URGENT" & ask what they are doing about this today? - Why digital transformation is now on the CEO’s shoulders via @McKinsey | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it

...it forces CEOs to rethink how companies execute, with new business processes, management practices, and information systems, as well as everything about the nature of customer relationships. I’m seeing leaders who get this. They’re all over it: they want to launch five transformation initiatives right now; they’re talking to me and every digital leader they know about where the technology threats are coming from; and they’re hiring the best people to advise them. Yet I’m shocked by—even fearful for—the many CEOs I know who seem to be asleep at the switch.

Farid Mheir's insight:

WHY IT MATTERS: digital transforms every single business functions in the organizations. But unlike previous eras such as the Internet, this may be existential for many organizations. Thomas Siebel makes a very compelling arguments to get going big and hire great partners and consultants - think of me when you do! ;-)

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Scooped by Farid Mheir

8 Essential #technologies & the use cases where they can be applied @ThomasKarolak

8 Essential #technologies & the use cases where they can be applied @ThomasKarolak | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it

This paper examines the essential eight technologies that matter and what business leaders now need to do about them, and emerging technologies in general.

Farid Mheir's insight:

WHY IT MATTERS: A good summary of potential use cases and applications for key digital technologies that revolutionize business.

Jevachoudary's comment, January 6, 2018 2:24 AM
These hacks really helpful,thanks for sharing.
Naz Bhayani's curator insight, January 8, 2018 1:21 PM

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