Keeping the Pulse of the Planet: Using Big Data to Monitor Our Environment | TriplePundit | Data Science and Computational Thinking [inc Big Data and Internet of Things] |

What could be more important than keeping the pulse of the planet as a whole?


There is an opportunity for us to use this same insatiable desire to collect data for another good: environmental monitoring. Similar devices, equipped with environmental monitoring sensors such as temperature, carbon, or chemicals in the air or water can give us unprecedented information about a location’s, region’s or the planet’s overall health. In the event of an environmental disaster like a major spill, nuclear accident or volcanic eruption, we could have an instant characterization of short- and long-term impacts of that disaster on its surroundings. What could be more important than keeping the pulse of the planet as a whole? We may be able to derive more health benefits from such data than from personal monitoring. If you live in downtown Beijing, knowing about the quality of the air you breathe and the water you drink may help more with making health choices than any amount of monitored exercise. ...

Via Rob Kitchin, Kim Flintoff