A Flipped Classroom - Students as Curators with Storify | Digital Curation in Education | Scoop.it

Sherry Stones is presenting the workshop: “A Flipped Classroom: Students as Curators with Storify”.

Storify will be used to demonstrate design multimodal/multimedia research-based assignments, due to its features such as Hashtag specific Tweets, Flicker and Instagram images, Soundcloud audios and Youtube videos.  

Most of the expected outcomes of the workshop can be associated to teaching and learning in general.


Important ideas:


a) Storify has a great educational potential;

b) You can organize Storify content based on theme or topic;

c) You can easily embed Hashtag specific Tweets, Flicker and Instagram images, Soundcloud audios and Youtube videos;

d) It helps students develop research, synthesis and presentation skills;

f) It helps students to evaluate the credibility and relevance of web sources;

g) It enables teachers to set assignments and rubric;

h) You can embed a Storify page into a Blog;

i) Other types of Open Access Content are great for embedding on Storify, such as: Xtranormal, Goanimate, Animoto animations; Infographics and Flicker images; Google Docs; Vimeo, Big Think, and Academic Earth videos; Webcomics; Prezi and Google Slideshows; Learning Objects.


Check the Wiki FrontPage for information about the COLTT 2012 Conference (http://coltt2012.pbworks.com/w/page/48067721/FrontPage)

Via Paula Silva, Nancy White, catspyjamasnz