Didactics and Technology in Education
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Didactics and Technology in Education
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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from APRENDIZAJE

Se busca profesional eLearning [2018]

Se busca profesional eLearning [2018] | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it
Guía de competencias a desarrollar para convertirse en el perfil de profesional eLearning que se demanda en el año 2018.

Via Marta Torán
Marta Torán's curator insight, April 2, 2018 2:59 PM

Azahara García revisa las competencias del profesional del eLearning. Muy bueno

Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from E-Learning, Formación, Aprendizaje y Gestión del Conocimiento con TIC en pequeñas dosis.

Vídeos didácticos en TED Education

Vídeos didácticos en TED Education | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it
Todos conocemos a TED por sus famosas charlas de entre quince y veinte minutos en las que expertos en diversos campos, fundamentalmente de la tecnología, el entretenimiento y el diseño, comparten '...

Via Juan Jesús Baño Egea
Carlos Rodrigues Cadre's curator insight, October 5, 2014 10:10 AM

adicionar a sua visão ...

Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from E-Learning, Formación, Aprendizaje y Gestión del Conocimiento con TIC en pequeñas dosis.

Las TIC en el proceso de #aprendizaje.

Presentación módulo III: Las TIC en el proceso de aprendizaje (DEAL)

Via Juan Jesús Baño Egea
Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from APRENDIZAJE

ELearning Evolution The Past 10 Years | LearnDash

ELearning Evolution The Past 10 Years | LearnDash | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it

Via Marta Torán
Marta Torán's curator insight, June 10, 2014 5:51 PM

En 10 años... han pasado muchas cosas

Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from e-Xploration

#edtechforum AWT. Utilisation des TIC en contexte d'apprentissage (E-learning)

#edtechforum AWT. Utilisation des TIC en contexte d'apprentissage (E-learning) | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it

Via Yasmine Kasbi, Lockall, luiy
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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)

30 Incredibly Useful Tools & Resources for eLearning Professionals

30 Incredibly Useful Tools & Resources for eLearning Professionals | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it
Discover 30 useful (and free) eLearning tools and resources that can make your life easier!

Via Patty Ball, Timo Ilomäki, juandoming
Holly Dilatush's comment, June 7, 2013 12:31 PM
Thanks for sharing this and so many other worthwhile links, Patty
Hollie Lancarte's curator insight, June 7, 2013 3:18 PM

Just some good free stuff to checkout.

Roberto Ibán Ramírez Avila's curator insight, June 18, 2013 2:09 PM

Al revisar este artículo, me topé con la sorpresa y novedad que de las treinta herramienats mencioandas, de ellas pude descargar un manual sobre elearning que me va a servir para orientar con mayor precisión y eficiencia el proceso de diseño instruccional para la creación de cursos mixtos o en línea.

Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from Voices in the Feminine - Digital Delights

E-learning: How to deliver an engaging Virtual Classroom presentation

Learn How to Deliver an Engaging Virtual Classroom Presentation in Under 10 Minutes! and get the results you want! We will share with you some best practices...

Via Ana Cristina Pratas
Tom Perran's curator insight, February 6, 2013 10:29 PM

Excellent tips for delivering engaging presentations in synchronous online learning environments

Ken Sajdak's curator insight, February 7, 2013 9:16 AM

Best Practices in e-Sessions

Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from Educational tools and ICT

Do you have the wrong impression about online learning? [Infographic]

Do you have the wrong impression about online learning? [Infographic] | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it

Today, no longer is having a high school diploma is enough to land a good job and support family. College is key today, but finding the funds to pay for it can be tricky. Brick and mortar institutions cost a fortune, and most have to work while going to school. But for those who can't juggle both, online learning can be a great option.


We know what that you may think this avenue is for slackers, but have a look at our infographic below, and your opinion may just change.


Via Gust MEES, Maria Palaska
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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from eLearning Tools & Services


eXeLearning | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it

eXeLearning is a freely available Open Source eLearning authoring software.

Via Rolf Reinhardt
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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from gpmt

Premier baromètre européen du e-Learning

Premier baromètre européen du e-Learning | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it

Ce premier baromètre européen du e-learning a été réalisé par trois firmes CrossKnowledge, Féfaur et Ipsos, dans six pays, la France, le Royaume-Uni, l'Espagne, l'Italie, la Belgique et les Pays-Bas.
L'objectif de ce baromètre[1] est de mettre en perspective l'évolution du e-learning comme stratégie de formation dans les entreprises européennes. Comme on pouvait s'y attendre, ce mode de formation est en pleine croissance. Tout d'abord, au sein des entreprises qui l'adoptent, l'usage s'étend progressivement à un plus grand nombre de salariés et de thématiques de formation. Ensuite, les ressources et les dispositifs e-learning se diversifient. En ce qui a trait aux ressources, si les modules de formation sur mesure, les questionnaires en ligne et les modules sur étagère ont toujours la cote, on assiste à une sérieuse montée des espaces collaboratifs du web 2.0. Quant aux dispositifs, si le blended learning prédomine encore, le e-learning sans tutorat et en libre accès a de plus en plus la faveur d'apprenants qui privilégient l'auto-formation. Enfin, concernant les attentes des entreprises à l'égard du e-learning, elles y voit le moyen de faire d'une pierre plusieurs coups : optimiser les coûts de la formation en l'offrant à un plus grand nombre d'employés, là et au moment où ils en ont besoin.

Via Frédéric DEBAILLEUL, michel verstrepen
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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from Time to Learn

Méthodologies pour le développement de cours e-learning [PDF - 152 pages]

Un guide pour concevoir et élaborer des cours d’apprentissage numérique

Via @backbook, Frédéric DEBAILLEUL
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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from Time to Learn

The eLearning Guild : eBook: Instructional Design Tips

The eLearning Guild : eBook: Instructional Design Tips | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it

Instructional Design (ID) is — or at least should be — the foundation for effective eLearning. Whether you are new to ID or have been designing eLearning for a while, it’s easy to get stuck in certain ways of doing things. That’s when you need some new ideas!

This complimentary eBook draws on the ideas and experience of 14 ID experts who are leading sessions that are part of The eLearning Guild’s May 2012 Online Forum on “eLearning Instructional Design: Advanced and Breakthrough Techniques.” These tips, which will enhance the way you design eLearning, are organized into four general categories:

- Research
- Design
- Development
- Project management

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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from 21st Century Learning and Teaching

The 60-Second Guide To Smartphones In Education | Edudemic

The 60-Second Guide To Smartphones In Education | Edudemic | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it

Smartphones and apps are the pinnacle of buzzwords when it comes to education. You can’t swing an app without hitting a smartphone…or something.


So what’s all the buzz about? Are smartphones really that big a deal in education? Let’s examine the facts...


Read more:




Via Gust MEES
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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from Pédagogie & Technologie

MOOC 4.0: The Next Revolution in Learning and Leadership

MOOC 4.0: The Next Revolution in Learning and Leadership | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it

... Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have evolved over the past three years. This is how we think about their evolution:

MOOC 1.0 - One-to-Many: Professor lecturing to a global audience
MOOC 2.0 - One-to-One: Lecture plus individual or small-group exercises 
MOOC 3.0 - Many-to-Many: Massive decentralized peer-to-peer teaching. 
MOOC 4.0 - Many-to-One: Deep listening among learners as a vehicle for sensing one's highest future possibility through the eyes of others...


Via Lucas Gruez, Bruno De Lièvre
Patricia Randeynes's curator insight, May 6, 2015 4:25 AM

Interesting approach! Thank you

Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from E-Learning, Formación, Aprendizaje y Gestión del Conocimiento con TIC en pequeñas dosis.

Curated list of publications related to Personal Learning Environments. #PLE

Curated list of publications related to Personal Learning Environments. #PLE | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it

WELCOME to my curated list of publications related to Personal Learning Environments. Also check the curated Zotero list started by Mike Cosgrave. Dissertations Drexler, Wendy (2010): The networked...

Via Juan Jesús Baño Egea
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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from Elearning, Multimedia e Educação e Tecnologia

6 Ways Color Psychology Can Be Used to Design Effective eLearning

6 Ways Color Psychology Can Be Used to Design Effective eLearning | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it
Here're some ways in which you can use color when designing eLearning courses by taking physiological and psychological effects into consideration.

Via Marta Torán, Paulo Rurato
Marta Torán's curator insight, June 12, 2014 4:23 PM

Color y Diseño de eLearning

Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from E-Learning, Formación, Aprendizaje y Gestión del Conocimiento con TIC en pequeñas dosis.

Diseñar experiencias de aprendizaje movil

Marcos que nos ayudan a diseñar experiencias de aprendizaje innovadoras con dispositivos móviles: SAMR, TPACK, Cuadrícula de Paradigmas de Derry, Levin y Sch...

Via Juan Jesús Baño Egea
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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from questions d'éducation

Une infographie de l'évolution de l'enseignement à distance

Une infographie de l'évolution de l'enseignement à distance | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it
De l'utilisation d'une simple lettre pour donner des cours chaque semaine à l’utilisation d'Internet de nos jours, l'enseignement à distance semble s'adapter et profiter des avancées des technologi...

Via Sandrine Decamps, Bruno De Lièvre, alozach
Thierry Ruissy's curator insight, October 22, 2013 9:02 AM

Ecrivons le futur...

Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from 21st Century Learning and Teaching

Implement Mobile Learning at Work Successfully: Free Report | eLearning

Implement Mobile Learning at Work Successfully: Free Report | eLearning | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it

The new 'Towards Maturity' In-Focus report concludes that over 70% of companies will implement mobile learning within the next 2 years. This free document outlines practical ways to implement m-learning successfully, drawn from independent research findings.


Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, February 18, 2013 2:28 PM

The new 'Towards Maturity' In-Focus report concludes that over 70% of companies will implement mobile learning within the next 2 years. This free document outlines practical ways to implement m-learning successfully, drawn from independent research findings.

You can download it here.

Check also:



Indirah Canzater's curator insight, March 6, 2014 11:14 AM

This article, about learning, talks about having mobile devices in the workplace to implement further learning in the workplace.

Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from Personal [e-]Learning Environments

Managing Mobile Privacy | Security Intelligence Blog [Infographic]

Managing Mobile Privacy | Security Intelligence Blog [Infographic] | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it
Trend Micro infographic on how users can manage their privacy while using their mobile devices.

Via Gust MEES, ThePinkSalmon
Gust MEES's curator insight, February 4, 2013 8:32 AM

A MUST have Infographic to understand the risks!!!
SHOULD be pinned in any schools!

Nqobile Martha's curator insight, May 29, 2014 9:05 AM
PRIVACY AND ICT The whys and wherefores of privacy

Privacy is a sensitive subject to which people attach great importance. The only problem is that they do not know exactly why. Still, if it is so important then it is also necessary to establish why that is the case. It is therefore the task of ethicists to clarify the relevant theoretical arguments and practical implications.

Any topics that touch on privacy, such as the electronic files on patients (efp) and cameras in public spaces therefore soon become topics of heated social and political debate. People appreciate the advantages of new information technology but are at the same time alarmed to realize that so much is known about them. It is often emotions that play a decisive role because the relevant arguments are difficult to formulate not to mention weigh up.

Nqobile Martha's curator insight, May 29, 2014 9:08 AM
PRIVACY AND ICT The whys and wherefores of privacy

Privacy is a sensitive subject to which people attach great importance. The only problem is that they do not know exactly why. Still, if it is so important then it is also necessary to establish why that is the case. It is therefore the task of ethicists to clarify the relevant theoretical arguments and practical implications.

Any topics that touch on privacy, such as the electronic files on patients (efp) and cameras in public spaces therefore soon become topics of heated social and political debate. People appreciate the advantages of new information technology but are at the same time alarmed to realize that so much is known about them. It is often emotions that play a decisive role because the relevant arguments are difficult to formulate not to mention weigh up.

Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from #eLearning, enseñanza y aprendizaje

Second Language Acquisition in Virtual Worlds

Second Language Acquisition in Virtual Worlds | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it

Virtual worlds such as Second Life are particularly well suited for teaching and learning second languages. Students can immerse themselves in linguistically appropriate environments (e.g. Chinese restaurant with Mandarin signs, menus, etc), adopt roles and even identities that can provide a rich affective and cognitive model for language performance, as well as interact and collaborate with others to achieve complex goals through pedagogically appropriate media such as text, voice and video.

Via Diana Salazar
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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from 21st Century skills of critical and creative thinking

A Master List of 500 Free Courses From Great Universities

A Master List of 500 Free Courses From Great Universities | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it

During the past two days, our list of Free Online Movies has been getting some good exposure. And we\'ve got no complaints.


Read more:



Via Gust MEES, Karen B Wehner, R.Conrath, Ed.D., Lynnette Van Dyke
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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from University-Lectures-Online

50 Top Sources Of Free eLearning Courses

50 Top Sources Of Free eLearning Courses | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it

Whether you are looking for a master’s degree program, computer science classes, a K-12 curriculum, or GED study program, this list gives you50 Top Sources Of Free eLearning Courses - 

Via Dr. Susan Bainbridge, Dr. Stefan Gruenwald
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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from 21st Century Learning and Teaching

What your Students Must Know about Cell Phone Use in The classroom

What your Students Must Know about Cell Phone Use in The classroom | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it

I just came across this great poster in The Innovative Educator Blog which can help you educate your students about cell phone etiquette. It contains some great tips on how students should be using their phones. Try to print it out and post it on your classroom wall for everyone to read.


If you want more educational posters to use in your classroom then check it out this link http://www.educatorstechnology.com/search/label/educational%20posters


Via Gust MEES
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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from #TRIC para los de LETRAS

e" in e-Learning Vanishing?

e" in e-Learning Vanishing? | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it

Parece que la "e" de e-Learning está desapareciendo, según el estudio de Elliot Masie.




Se habla de "on-line" o simplemente "learning", webinars no se clasifican como eLearning y triunfa el aprendizaje social...

Via Marta Torán, Sonia C. Alonso
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