Ecom Revolution
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Marty Note
Solid tips here with a few caveats:

* #3 printing is a nice to have now not a must have. Printing just isn't as important, but, for some, a printed piece is easier to share.

* Reviews are now more important in their absence. Having hundreds of reviews is great as it shows the size and value of the tribe formed around a given product. A Customer's voice is always a tad different sounding too, so be sure to curate content FROM reviews.

* High res images is a good idea, but don't slow the delivery of your page down. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to help server your images and videos fast no matter who is looking at your content or from where.

* Product comparisons are great especially if they are social.

* Shipping = we would amend shipping to make sure your FREE Shipping triggers are easy to find / be aware of and set to maximize conversions.!
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$50,000 New Ecommerce Web Design Contest
FOMs (Friends of Martin's) are working on a cool event to support my +FedEx keynote talk in Maryland at the end of February. We have 3 partners willing to contribute time into a "prize" to help online merchants pivot to the NEW Ecommerce.

If you would like to contribute email Martin(at) (not on our site yet as we may fill our partner roster from friends and social. Read more about the contest on G+!
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E-commerce used to be static, Not So Much Anymore
This excellent post from @Cendrine Marrouat - https://www.cendrinemedia.comshares interesting ecommerce research, design ideas and the impact of the social / mobile web on online commerce.

The new ecommerce requires originality, social curation and a supportive tribe as we discuss regularly at our Durham, NC based startup dedicated to creating cool new tools for online merchants.!
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This holiday selling season (2014) will happen as close to real time as any thanks to the social / mobile web. Listening and curating are going to be important, but so is tapping the nostalgia and spirit of the season in creative and collaborative ways.

Martin (Marty) Smith:

Not to late to make these changes to your ecommerce website before the holidays. Rock On and have a great holiday selling season.!
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This holiday selling season (2014) will happen as close to real time as any thanks to the social / mobile web. Listening and curating are going to be important, but so is tapping the nostalgia and spirit of the season in creative and collaborative ways.

Martin (Marty) Smith:

add your insight...!
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Designing Tomorrow's Ecommerce Today
Added artist Sara Havey's magical knitting gnome to the fastest "views" Haiku Deck I've ever created (300+ in 24 hours) because it is a perfect example of the New Ecommerce's crowdsourcing and DIY future.

The deck is divided into three sections:
* Current Ecommerce Best Practices.
* Rise of the Social / Mobile Web & Social Shopping.
* Crowdfunding, Crowdsourcing and DIY.

Is it possible to create tomorrow's ecommerce website TODAY? Is Sara's gnome knitting? You bet!

Martin (Marty) Smith:

add your insight...!
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“Designing your eCommerce store is not only about making it look good, but also making sure that it generates sales. Your goal is to make potential customers”

Martin (Marty) Smith:

These are great #ecommerce tips? My favorite and perhaps easiest fix for the most benefit is big, clear and creative CALLS TO ACTION.!
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According to a study from Adobe, in 2012 repeat shoppers made up just 8% of all site visitors in the US yet they accounted for nearly 41% of total online sales.So bearing in mind the fact that it’s also cheaper to keep a customer than it is to attract a new one, businesses need to be working hard to keep shoppers satisfied and give them a reason to return.With this in mind, I’ve rounded up 11 ways in which ecommerce retailers can improve customer retention....

Martin (Marty) Smith:

Easier to make more money from customers already acquired and almost no website pays much aattenton to thst idea.

Here are tips on how to improve your ecommerce website's UI to encourage repeat visits. I would ad DOD (deal of the day) which seems to be gaining momentum and macro categorization for your your personas. At this time of year havig a For Him, For Her, For Kids is good macro categorizaton.!
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Meshing A V8 SLAP
Had a V8 Slap today when I realized that the way Google has set up this new chess board doesn't favor the creation of new anything. When we started working on the chess board seemed to favor a User Generated Content (UGC) platform.

We wanted to create for cancer research. Great idea, but too late. Post Google's algorithm changes where social signals rule and trusted sources have all the high ground thinking in ways to fit YOURS into THEIRS is more productive and a better bet.

Important for ecommerce merchants to think in these terms:

* Appify.
* Widgetize.

* Gamify.

Ecommerce merchants may be the most impacted by these changes. Commerce can happen anywhere so why isn't it? Our merchant minds, I ran a sizable ecom website for 7 years, still focus on CASTLE building when we should be thinking about crowd converting.

Find ways to EMBED and MESH your ideas into already scaled systems and your idea, startup or site might just survive long enough to matter. One you matter you can think about castle building.!
Thomas Faltin's comment, October 25, 2013 12:33 AM
Martin, you're welcome ... great content!
Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, October 25, 2013 12:36 AM
Thanks Thomas. Love that guy on your page. From a video game? Great art! M
Thomas Faltin's comment, October 25, 2013 12:58 AM
Martin, i'm the guy:-) no, i found it on the internet and yes, very great art!
A infographic featuring web design trends for 2013 created by Enfuzed. This is the original!
Martin (Marty) Smith:

If your Ecom webstie isn't responsive, doesn't have great content and isn't social....well good luck with that and be sue to send a card from where you end up in Jaunuary :).!
Intriguing Networks's curator insight, October 14, 2013 2:26 PM

Design trends to track when considering web development and enhancements for your year end marketing

Checkout is where rubber meets road in ecommerce. Great infographic showing checkout design trends among top 200 online merchants around the world here.!
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Gamer Joseph Kim Rocks E-commerce These are the times we live in. Times when one of the most substantial, intelligent and interesting e-commerce and cont
Martin (Marty) Smith:

I built on Joseph Kim's amazing 12 Critical Mobile Monetization Concepts to beat a familiar drum - the sooner e-commerce merchants think like video game developers the more money they will make. 

Soon there will be a dividing line between ecom websites that understand how the semantic web. Expect a growing demand for relevance and trust (in visitor intelligence and web savvy) to change website design.

Kim's article, the first of a promised three parter, is an amazing find since it makes the point of how similar video game development and ecommerce is and will become. Once Google UNDERSTANDS our content the more "game-like" it is the more visitors will become buyers.

I've often been asked how teams I've mananged made over $30M online with AOVs (Average Order Values) never higher than $62. The secret is to be five minutes ahead. Kim's post and thinking like a video game developer as you merdhandise your e-commerce website will help your team be five minutes ahead.

Oh, and this next wave, the semantic web wave, is going to be a monster, so surf if you dare :). M!
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Great E-Commerce Homepage Design Tips

Three concepts are critical to great e-commerce website design:
* Golden Triangle
* People Sight Lines.

* Calls To Action.

Tis post shares specific examples of each of these Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for great conversion and engagement in ecommerce website design.!
RDV Weekly's curator insight, March 7, 2014 4:55 PM

Pure design-based conversion factors. A quick dive into the psychological mind of your customer, and how to play to that knowledge.

Scoop it Creator

Martin (Marty) Smith