2019: The Year of the Internet of You | Educational Technology News | Scoop.it

Imagine a world where you don't have to adapt to the environment, but instead, the environment adapts to you That's the true promise of the Internet of Things – to have everything we're surrounded by or interact with adapt to us, learn from us, blend into our lives seamlessly and remove all friction between us and our immediate environment. But that's not where the world is at today. Technology is putting a much greater focus on features and functions than it is on people, and some companies are embracing IoT technology just for the sake of it - which is not always enough. This also explains the small number of real deployed AI implementations (SmarterWithGartner). The real transformative IoT solutions of tomorrow will be those that are founded on a deep understanding of the individual and built to fulfill a genuine need, not simply just another gadget connected to the internet."