Help or Hindrance: Blended approaches and student engagement - Ako Aotearoa | Digital Learning - beyond eLearning and Blended Learning |

Project Description

This project sought to identify effective strategies that teachers can use within a blended learning environment to enhance learner engagement and achievement. A mixed-method approach was used to collect and analyse data. In total, 541 participants from two North Island universities participated in this project.

Ten effective engagement strategies were identified, covering engagement at the beginning of a course, during a course, and re-engaging learners.From the project findings, five conclusions were reached:

The quality of learning depends on the depth of student engagement in the learning process.Click on the image to download the summary report (4.67mb PDF)The systematic application of all 10 engagement strategies identified in this study give teachers the best chance of achieving high levels of student engagement.The skills and effort that teachers apply to create learning experiences is the single most important determinant of the quality of the learning environment.Teachers are time-poor and lack adequate technical support and training in pedagogical principles.Blended learning can make a difference.

This project was launched at ASCILITE 2012