New Siri Commercials Featuring John Malkovich - Siri Joke And Life ~ Geeky Apple - The new iPad 3, iPhone iOS 5.1 Jailbreaking and Unlocking Guides | Apple News - From competitors to owners |
Siri John Malkovich Ad commercial New apple siri advertisement featuring John Malkovich talking to siri about life and Joke.


Last month we shared that Apple had aired new siri commercials featuring Samuel Jackson and Zooey Deschanel . Today Apple aired two new ad commercials featuring John Malkovich titled Siri Joke and Siri Life. The ad features John asking Siri for weather updates and then asks siri for any scheduled meetings. Knowing the weather condition and that he's not having any scheduled appointments, John asks siri for any Linguisa restaurants followed by asking Siri to say a joke which siri replies with her favorite one: Two iPhones walk into the bar, I forget the rest. It can be noticed that John was enjoying his conversation with Siri very much.