Apple To Add Retina Display In Upcoming MacBook Air - Unveil It During WWDC12 ~ Geeky Apple - The new iPad 3, iPhone iOS 5.1 Jailbreaking and Unlocking Guides | Apple News - From competitors to owners |

Macbook air Retina Display launch in wwdc12  world wide developer conference...


9to5mac reports that Apple is planning to add Retina Display in MacBook Air. Here's what 9to5Macposted on Retina Displays coming to MacBook Airs.

Apple’s new MacBook Air will not see major changes across the entire computer like the next-generation MacBook Pro, but this update will truly be all about the Retina Display.

Apple is preparing both new 11.6-inch and 13.3-inch models. These new Airs lack notable design changes, but feature fast and power-efficient Ivy Bridge processors and improved graphics engines to support the Retina Display, according to supply chain sources. The new Airs will also use improved Apple internal battery technology in order to support the battery life required by high-pixel-density screens such as the Retina Display, according to sources familiar with prototype versions of the super-thin notebook’s internal components.

It has hardly been an year when Apple initially launched MacBook Air. The design has raised a serious challange to Apple competitors on how to compete with Apple's sleek yet Powerful MacBook Air which is slightly thinner when compared to your thumb. The new MacBook Air is supposedly sheduled to launch somewhere in September.