Chpwn (Grant Paul) Interning At Facebook - Renowned Cydia Apps Developer ~ Geeky Apple - The new iPad 3, iPhone iOS 5.1 Jailbreaking and Unlocking Guides | Apple News - From competitors to owners |
Chpwn interning at facebook Grant paul iPhone developer interning at facebook Cydia developer chpwn interning at facebook Chpwn spire gridlock paste icon support developer...


Developer Chpwn(Grant Paul) the young iOS enthusiast who has contributed to Cydia community with amazing and innovative apps is now interning at Facebook. Grant Paul has tweeted that it was his first day as an intern at Facebook and that he was very excited. Could this mean that Facebook is hiring Chpwn just as they hired Geohot ?

Chpwn has developed various tweaks and apps for iOS devices and has contributed to the very popular cydia app 'Spire' which basically lets you use iPhone4S's Siri on non supported devices like iPads2, iPhone4 and iPod Touch. Chpwn has released free as well as paid cydia tweaks that are very popular. Some of Chpwn's work is listed below :