Apple Sends Out Invitation For Developers To Sign Up For Developer ID Ahead Of Mac OS X Mountain Lion ~ Geeky Apple - The new iPad 3, iPhone iOS 5.1 Jailbreaking and Unlocking Guides | Apple News - From competitors to owners |
Apple invitation for Mac os x mountain lion for developers ahead of WWDC12, Apple invites developers to sign up for developer id for Mac OS X Mountain Lion release.


Apple developers are receiving emails to signup for developer id as Mac OS X Mountain Lion release date is closing in. Apple has requested the developers around the world to sign up for the developer id to make their applications work on the new OS X Mountain Lion. For an application to work well, it needs to have apple signature when can be achieved only by signing up for a developer id. Moreover, with the new feature, Gatekeeper, developers can sign their applications with their developer id which will protect the users from getting malicious software into their Mac. The developers can set global download limit of applications. This provides security that the application is signed and is not tampered with.