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[LPM-2] What is Mobile Application Protection and How To Enforce It

[LPM-2] What is Mobile Application Protection and How To Enforce It | High level trending in... | Scoop.it

With the rise of remote work and shadow IT, more devices and apps (both sanctioned and unsanctioned) are connecting to your organization’s network. Today, there are approximately five million mobile apps currently in circulation: approximately three million for Android and two million for iOS. That’s great for productivity, but less than ideal when it comes to security. Despite the best efforts of curated app stores, a significant portion of mobile applications contain worrying security concerns.

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[LPM-1] Head to Head Contrast: Sidus Space (SIDU) & The Competition

[LPM-1] Head to Head Contrast: Sidus Space (SIDU) & The Competition | High level trending in... | Scoop.it

Sidus Space’s competitors have higher revenue and earnings than Sidus Space. Sidus Space is trading at a lower price-to-earnings ratio than its competitors, indicating that it is currently more affordable than other companies in its industry.

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[LPM-1] UK govt selects OneWeb for satellite broadband trials in remote communities

[LPM-1] UK govt selects OneWeb for satellite broadband trials in remote communities | High level trending in... | Scoop.it

Sunil Mittal's Bharti group and UK government-backed satellite communication company OneWeb has been selected for two trials in the UK to connect remote communities for the government's ‘Very Hard to Reach Premises’ connectivity program. “As part of the programme, OneWeb’s high-speed, low latency LEO (low-earth orbit) network will deliver connectivity for trials through its partners BT and Clarus,” the satcom provider said in a statement.

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[LPM-1] Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings offer Starlink high speed internet on board fleet

[LPM-1] Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings offer Starlink high speed internet on board fleet | High level trending in... | Scoop.it

Using advanced low earth orbit satellites, Starlink delivers industry leading broadband internet connectivity which will improve the capacity, speed and reliability of internet on board. The Company is currently testing Starlink, beginning with Norwegian Breakaway, with the intent to rollout this game-changing technology across its entire world class fleet in a phased manner.

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[LPM-3] L’Open RAN, qu’est-ce que c’est ?

[LPM-3] L’Open RAN, qu’est-ce que c’est ? | High level trending in... | Scoop.it

Un O-RAN, ou réseau d’accès sans fil ouvert, est un concept basé sur l’interopérabilité et la standardisation d’éléments de réseau d’accès sans fil (RAN), notamment sur une norme unifiée d’interconnexion pour des éléments matériels de type boîte transparente (White Box) et des éléments logiciels open source issus de différents fournisseurs. L’architecture O-RAN intègre une pile logicielle de station de base modulaire pour équipement standard qui permet aux composants de bande de base et d’unités radio de différents fournisseurs de fonctionner harmonieusement ensemble.

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[LPM-1] Satellites : le New Space rebat les cartes de la connectivité

[LPM-1] Satellites : le New Space rebat les cartes de la connectivité | High level trending in... | Scoop.it

Emmenés par Starlink, les acteurs américains du New Space imposent les constellations en orbite basse comme nouveau moyen de se connecter à l’internet. Mais les satellites géostationnaires participeront aussi à l’internet spatial, les stratégies de « double orbite » étant défendues par la Commission européenne et par Eutelsat, qui fusionne avec OneWeb.

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[LPM-1] Les projets de constellations de satellites en orbite basse se multiplient dans le monde

[LPM-1] Les projets de constellations de satellites en orbite basse se multiplient dans le monde | High level trending in... | Scoop.it

Les Echos soulignent l’intensité de la compétition mondiale pour le développement de constellations en orbite basse, destinées à apporter de l'Internet très haut débit. Aux Etats-Unis, Starlink, le projet d'Elon Musk, possède 3 000 satellites en service, sur plus de 40 000 prévus à terme. Le canadien Telesat est doté de 188 satellites. Amazon, de son côté, veut mettre en orbite plus de 3 200 satellites dans le cadre de son projet Kuiper. En Europe, Eutelsat s'était lancé sur ce marché fin 2019, avec pour objectif d'avoir 25 minisatellites d'ici la fin 2022. Mais seuls 2 ont été lancés l'année dernière. Depuis le premier lancement en 2019, OneWeb, quant à lui, a déjà placé 428 satellites en orbite, soit les deux tiers de son objectif. L’Union européenne souhaite développer son propre projet de constellation. En Chine, le constructeur automobile Geely a lancé, en juin dernier, 9 satellites en orbite basse (sur un objectif de 240) pour améliorer la navigation des voitures autonomes. Enfin, le gouvernement chinois envisage le lancement d’une constellation de 13 000 satellites.

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[LPM-1] Starlink rival OneWeb sends final satellites in orbit to offer global internet

[LPM-1] Starlink rival OneWeb sends final satellites in orbit to offer global internet | High level trending in... | Scoop.it

OneWeb has finally put to orbit the last 36 satellites of its initial 616-satellite “constellation,” a milestone Chief Executive Officer Neil Masterson told Bloomberg is the “fruition of an enormous amount of hard work.”

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Trend #29: "Reduction in healthcare costs": Kaiser Family Foundation: Costs

Trend #29: "Reduction in healthcare costs": Kaiser Family Foundation: Costs | High level trending in... | Scoop.it

This month's Visualizing Health Policy takes a look at health care costs in the United States, including how US health care spending has surged over the past 50 years and how it continues to grow faster than the economy; how health care spending is unevenly distributed within the US population, with only half the population accounting for more than 97% of health care costs; how health care costs are putting pressure on US families, some of whom have to delay health care because of cost; how the United States spends more per person for health care than other countries; and how the cost of health insurance premiums has increased in the past decade for both workers and employers.

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Trend #6: "Increased focus on preventive care": Fixing healthcare: the Professionals' perspective

Trend #6: "Increased focus on preventive care": Fixing healthcare: the Professionals' perspective | High level trending in... | Scoop.it
The focus on healthcare has come about because healthcare systems worldwide are being stretched—by the high costs of training, services and treatments, by increased patient demands, and by big demographic and lifestyle shifts. The current global economic downturn has put even more pressure on healthcare, and leaves less room for error. Healthcare systems everywhere need to be upgraded, and in some cases completely reimagined. The question is not whether this needs to happen, but how it should be done
Beeyond's insight:

See in particular pages 4-5.

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Trend #6: "Increased focus on preventive care": Health Reform: The Role of Medical Research and Prevention

Trend #6: "Increased focus on preventive care": Health Reform: The Role of Medical Research and Prevention | High level trending in... | Scoop.it

The long view of mankind's civilized life on this planet is marked by many technological discoveries – the wheel, printing, etc. – that revolutionized human productivity. Perhaps the greatest economic boost has occurred in the past century through the cumulative effect of medical progress and improved public health.

Beeyond's insight:

See in particular the "Milken Institute Review" PDF document at the bottom left of the page.

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Trend #9: "Increase in self-administered therapies": An overview of Chronic Disease in America***

Trend #9: "Increase in self-administered therapies": An overview of Chronic Disease in America*** | High level trending in... | Scoop.it

Chronic diseases and conditions - such as heart disease, arthritis, asthma, depression, and diabetes – are the leading causes of death, disability, and rising healthcare costs in America. As of 2009, 145 million Americans – almost half of the population – were living with at least one chronic condition.

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Trend #24: "Innovation in parenteral delivery": Auvi-Q™, Epinephrine Auto-injector for Life-threatening Allergies***

FDA Approval for Auvi-Q™, Epinephrine Auto-injector for Patients with Life-threatening Allergies
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[LPM-1] Obstacles to Remote Work

[LPM-1] Obstacles to Remote Work | High level trending in... | Scoop.it

-- Lack of reliable, ubiquitous high speed Internet. This restriction places limits on where people can live and travel while continuing to work. It is a safe assumption that most remote jobs are going to require some level of stable and fast Internet service. As people leave the major cities, they have shown an increased interest in rural properties and open spaces but some of these areas are best served by cellular or satellite Internet, both of which have their own issues. Some companies, including Amazon, are planning to launch low Earth orbit satellites to try to fix this problem but availability dates and pricing are not clear. 

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[LPM-1] Tata’s Nelco withdraws application to offer satellite broadband services

[LPM-1] Tata’s Nelco withdraws application to offer satellite broadband services | High level trending in... | Scoop.it

Among the three players, experts believe that OneWeb would get an edge in terms of rolling out the services as the company has a robust constellation of 618 low-earth orbit satellites to offer internet services.

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[LPM-1] Avenger drone flies autonomously with Low Earth Orbit SATCOM aid

[LPM-1] Avenger drone flies autonomously with Low Earth Orbit SATCOM aid | High level trending in... | Scoop.it

GA-ASI achieved a breakthrough in utilizing a LEO SATCOM provider’s connection on an unmanned combat aerial vehicle, equipped with L3Harris Technologies and Ball Aerospace’s BLOS datalink solutions, demonstrating its commitment to integrating advanced technologies for future warfare.

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[LPM-2] Numérique souverain : Octave Klaba et la Caisse des dépôts créent Synfonium, un champion européen qui veut d’emblée croquer Qwant

[LPM-2] Numérique souverain : Octave Klaba et la Caisse des dépôts créent Synfonium, un champion européen qui veut d’emblée croquer Qwant | High level trending in... | Scoop.it

Le président d'OVHCloud et de Shadow, Octave Klaba, et la Caisse des dépôts s'allient pour créer Synfonium avec l'objectif d'en faire un futur champion européen des services numériques basés sur le cloud. La future plateforme intègre d'ores et déjà Shadow (PC et stockage dans le cloud) et entre en négociation exclusive pour racheter le moteur de recherche français Qwant.

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[LPM-1] Pourquoi les projets de constellations de satellites en orbite basse se multiplient

[LPM-1] Pourquoi les projets de constellations de satellites en orbite basse se multiplient | High level trending in... | Scoop.it

Le rapprochement entre Eutelsat et OneWeb est censé créer un champion paneuropéen de l'Internet satellitaire face aux projets nord-américains (Kuiper, Starlink) ou chinois. Ces solutions sont de bonnes alternatives à la 5G ou la fibre dans les zones difficiles d'accès, mais leur rentabilité économique reste à prouver.

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[LPM-1] Internet par satellite : la guerre des étoiles a commencé

[LPM-1] Internet par satellite : la guerre des étoiles a commencé | High level trending in... | Scoop.it

A la différence des opérateurs historiques Eutelsat et Inmarsat, les nouveaux entrants Starlink ou Kuiper misent sur les satellites à orbite basse, mieux à même de proposer un internet haut débit à prix abordable. Tour d'horizon des acteurs en place.

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[LPM-2] European Digital Identity

[LPM-2] European Digital Identity | High level trending in... | Scoop.it

The European Digital Identity will be available to EU citizens, residents, and businesses who want to identify themselves or provide confirmation of certain personal information. It can be used for both online and offline public and private services across the EU. Every EU citizen and resident in the Union will be able to use a personal digital wallet.

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Trend #29: "Reduction in healthcare costs": Is The American Healthcare System Addicted To Expensive New Drugs?

Trend #29: "Reduction in healthcare costs": Is The American Healthcare System Addicted To Expensive New Drugs? | High level trending in... | Scoop.it

A study of drug prices in the U.S. and Europe published last spring avoids the apples to oranges problem, and provides compelling evidence that we have a real price problem here in the U.S

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Trend #6: "Increased focus on preventive care": Prevention means business***

Trend #6: "Increased focus on preventive care": Prevention means business*** | High level trending in... | Scoop.it
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Trend #6: "Increased focus on preventive care": Health Reform: An unhealthy America

Trend #6: "Increased focus on preventive care": Health Reform: An unhealthy America | High level trending in... | Scoop.it

The financial impact of medical progress and improved public health is stunning: It accounts for an estimated 50 percent of all recent economic growth. So it is unfortunate that deliberations on “health reform" focus almost entirely on the political questions surrounding health insurance. Nothing will do more to improve America's health and reduce the costs of treatment than a carefully considered expansion of medical research and alteration of the destructive lifestyles that contribute to so much disease. According to the Milken Institute report, “An Unhealthy America," preventable disease already costs the nation $1 trillion, a cost that will increase rapidly unless we take decisive action. Reversing that trend and investing in medical research will provide the best long-term economic stimulus and save untold numbers of lives.

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Trend #6: "Increased focus on preventive care": Need for action, not reaction!

Trend #6: "Increased focus on preventive care": Need for action, not reaction! | High level trending in... | Scoop.it

Rising healthcare costs are forcing people to pay more attention to preventing diseases, hence a shift in the concept of healthcare from curative-oriented to prevention-oriented. Following sincerely the age-old measures of ‘prevention is better than cure’, one can reduce the chances of contracting a disease. The need of the hour is to make disease prevention a habit, and practise it in all spheres of life.

Beeyond's insight:

"One apple a day keeps the doctor away".

"Yes, if you're on target!" (Winston Churchill)

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Trend #9: "Increase in self-administered therapies": Should I Take More Responsibility of my Health?

We're entering a new era in medicine where the patients are going to be taking an incredible amount of responsibility for their own diseases." Dr. Vaughan of New York-Presbyterian Hospital Weill Cornell Medical Center explains how now, more than ever, with the advent of new technology facilitating communication and learning, he believes patients will be able to start diagnosing urologic diseases themselves. Dr. Vaughan notes how the patient knows his own symptoms best, and if properly informed, can best understand and identify his urologic condition.

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