[PDF] EDUCAUSE Horizon Report Preview: 2019 Higher Education Edition | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education | Scoop.it

Institutions of higher education are actively developing new strategies to rethink how they fulfill their mission. Economic and political pressures have heightened scrutiny of the merit of postsecondary education, especially in light of cost, access, and workforce readiness. Increasingly diverse student populations have added momentum to the attention paid to student success—attention that is frequently focused on low completion rates and high student loan debt. Not only are students more diverse, but a specific aspect of that diversity is the “new majority learner,” who is older, more likely to be balancing work and family with college, and has vastly different needs from those of a traditional-aged student navigating a residential college experience. Institutions of higher education are rethinking how to meet the academic and social needs of all students seeking credentials or degrees. This shift to student-centered learning requires faculty and academic advisors alike to act as guides and facilitators. Approaches to new degree programs, including the rise in new forms of interdisciplinary studies, indicate that institutions are seeking to provide students with experiences that connect disciplines while rethinking how to capitalize on existing resources.

Via Edumorfosis