K–12 Schools Work to Incorporate Computer Science into Curriculums - EdTech | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education | Scoop.it
Forecasts report that computer science skills will be essential for the future workforce, creating a need for K–12 experts to work harder to incorporate such lessons into the curriculum. 

According to the App Association, there will be approximately 1 million unfilled computing jobs in 2024. Research conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics has found that number could be reached by 2020. These findings have put a fire underneath educators and K–12 organizations to refocus efforts to teach computer science skills.

“We don’t just need computer science graduates to fill computing jobs; we need people with technical abilities to fill jobs in almost every industry,” Victoria Espinel, president of Software.org: the BSA Foundation and chair of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on the Digital Economy and Society, writes in a blog post. “Those jobs will be created by advancements in software, and kids need to prepare now for those possibilities. They won’t all need computer science degrees, but basic digital literacy will be essential.”