Design Thinking and Other Priorities for Education in the Automation Economy | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education |

  *  How do we help young people prepare for lives full of novelty and complexity? After a two-year study of the influence of artificial intelligence(and exponential change more broadly) and a dozen community conversations, my team concluded there are four new learning priorities: 

     * Innovation mindset: a combination of growth mindset, maker mindset, and team mindset — in short, young people should learn to recognize the value of effort, initiative, and collaboration.

     * Social-emotional learning: managing yourself and social interactions, making good decisions.

     * Design thinking: attacking complex problems with empathy and iteration — using a repetitive process with the aim of approaching a desired goal, target, or result.

     * Self-directed learning: staying curious, building deep subject expertise — repeatedly — and creating lifelong learning habits."