What Works? Research Into Practice: Computer Coding in the K–8 Mathematics Curriculum? Ontario Education | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education | Scoop.it

"Benefits of Coding

At the heart of computational thinking – and mathematics – is abstraction. When children write code, they come to…

     *understand in a tangible way the abstractions that lie at the       

      heart of  mathematics,

     *dynamically model mathematics concepts and relationships,
      gain confidence in their own ability and agency as mathematics       learners.

Computer coding is creating a buzz in education. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently said, “We need to do a lot better job of getting young people to understand what coding is and how it’s important, how to program, how to problem solve, how to create the most elegant algorithm possible.”1 

BC recently announced that computer coding will be added to all grades of the K–12 curriculum, and Nova Scotia has made a similar announcement. The trend of adding some form of computer coding to curriculum is an international phenomenon; in 2014, England mandated a coding curriculum for all K–12 students."