10 Colleges Most Creatively Using Mobile Technology | Online Universities | Mobile Technology | Scoop.it
Get inspired by some of the creative ways these schools have harnessed mobile media for current and future students.

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Seeing as how mobile devices and related technologies have completely overtaken a good chunk of society already, naturally the education sector has followed suit. Oddly enough, though, smartphones, social media, tablet computers, and other hallmarks of the mobile technology revolution still have yet to fully creep onto campus, with many schools somewhat puzzled over exactly what to do with the exciting new toys the kids are into these days. Others, however, saw innovation as opportunity, and went about drawing up innovative strategies for letting these digital developments enhance lessons, streamline college life, open up new possibilities, or some combination thereof. Get inspired by some of the seriously cool, creative ways the following schools have harnessed mobile media for current and future students


Via Anne Whaits, Heiko Idensen, Ana Rodera, juandoming