How Modular Content Works - Newfangled | #TheMarketingTechAlert | The MarTech Digest |
Six months ago, we began rethinking how we create web content.

Advanced/ Excerpts...

We need our CMS to provide content creation tools that:

-- >  Prioritize content without deprecating design. But unlike some of the snowfalling we've seen, we need something that helps us maintain a balance of design for attention. What you’re communicating is too important to be undermined by flash. You need a tool focused on supporting your thought leadership.

-- >  Offer a real return on your investment. That means they make creating and managing content easy and enjoyable enough that you’ll actually do it as regularly as you planned to. And that it will get easier over time.

-- >  Reduce template bloat, scale well, and provide stability.


We need modular content.


Rather than one open content area — in which you could put text and images using a WYSIWYG — or a template that has pre-determined text and media "buckets," modular content allows you to add any content — text or media — in blocks. It supports building pages ad-hoc, adding text and media as you need it in a variety of combinations. After you've stacked a bunch of these content blocks, you can re-sort them any way you like. It's basically content Legos.



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