Salesforce rival Appboy clinches $50 million in venture capital - New York Business Journal | The MarTech Digest |
The New York-based software startup received $50 million in fresh capital, bringing total funds to $93.6 million. Appboy, touted as a "rising star" among cloud computing companies, specializes in mobile marketing automation.

Appboy, founded in 2011, has managed to become known on an international level in a short amount of time thanks to its international tailoring. Customers can use the company's tech to send out a single marketing message to users in hundreds of different languages, depending on their location.

The idea is to make sure every marketing message is relevant to smartphone users who consider their phones practically a part of their anatomy and that the global brand is sending messages that are consistent in tone.

Appboy can also discern the different marketing regulations that apply to different parts of the world, cognizant that some messages can be regarded as spam in some places and not others.