CEOs look toward disruptive technology more than CMOs - Chief Marketing Technologist | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |
CEOs have come to recognize, more than ever, that disruptive technology poses the single biggest existential threat to the future of their businesses.

Key excerpt...

Much of the rest of IBM’s report examines specific technological changes and challenges, mostly revolving around the themes of better customer experiences served through digital and hybrid digital-physical channels. As IBM’s own CEO, Virginia Rometty, says in the introduction, “Today, digitally enfranchised and empowered customers lead the agenda for every CxO profession.”


For CMOs, I believe this presents a clear opportunity to step-up investment in customer experience technology. It isn’t just about how technology can implement more efficient or effective marketing. It’s looking at how technology — and the tech-savvy talent necessary to leverage it — can change the playing field more significantly. Companies should pursue innovative, technology-powered capabilities to continually achieve and renew McGrath’s transient competitive advantages.


The big takeaway from IBM’s report for me is that the CEO is more attune than ever to such opportunities. The CMO should rise to the occasion to champion that charge forward.



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