Study: Marketers Seeking In-Department Technology Officers - Demand Gen Report | The MarTech Digest |

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Nearly two thirds of the respondents (63%) say they have too many marketing technology vendors to manage. More than half of the study’s respondents (53%) use five or more discrete marketing technology solutions, including marketing automation software, CRM, email marketing and social media tools.


Additional key findings include:


  • The top three marketing priorities for mid-sized companies in 2014 are to acquire new customers (87%), increase customer retention (86%), and increase brand awareness (80%);


  • 79% of marketing executives say it’s a challenge to get (and hold) the attention of target customers, and 72% say it’s difficult to find their target audiences online;


  • 70% agree that marketing has become more challenging, despite (or, perhaps, because of) the wide range of technology solutions available to them;


  • 53% of mid-sized companies use five or more marketing technology solutions. 15% use 10 or more; and


  • 79% of respondents somewhat or strongly agree that online communities are a “critical channel” for their marketing efforts. By the end of the year, 77% of respondents say their companies plan to have online communities in place, 90% of them including customers, 77% including employees. 



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