Google+ Launches Social Ad Called +Post to Appear Across Display Network - Search Engine Watch | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |

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Google+ has figured out a new way to monetize its social platform and drive more traffic back to it from across the web, with a promoted posts feature called “+Post.” The concept of +Post is similar to what you may be used to in other social networks – a brand pays for premium placement of a post – except  instead of ads showing up within the Google+ network, they will be placed across Google’s Display Network, driving users back to the brand’s Google+ profile.


From Google:

+Post ads amplify your brand’s content by easily turning Google+ posts into display ads that run across the web. The live, social ad format allows you to go beyond clicks to live conversations with your audience. People can join a Hangout On Air, add a comment, follow your brand or give a +1, right from an ad.



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