What Cookies, Hummingbird & gTLDs Mean for Digital Marketers in 2014 - ClickZ | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest | Scoop.it
Not only are digital marketers grappling with new social media sites popping up daily, they also face new challenges to integrate mobile apps, messaging and track data across platforms. CMOs have more to manage than ever before.

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The new gTLDs are launching and will start to have an impact in 2014. What's so interesting about the unique opportunities the gTLDs provide is that it is happening during this time of digital transformation. Unlike the .com boom of the 1990s where .com was the only game in town (and no one really knew how to use a domain, nor the potential of the internet), the new gTLDs are launching during a data boom with new sophisticated technologies changing the way marketers think about their strategies as they respond to accelerating consumer adoption in a rapidly changing global marketplace.


For marketers with content, this is a good thing, but for those relying on old SEO strategies with the emphasis on keywords, the cost to drive eyeballs to the site may have just gone up with Hummingbird in charge of quality control. Hummingbird will look for content that is good, dynamic and related to what the searcher is seeking -- like a human researcher might do.


Another big change in digital is in the use of cookies. While cookies have long been a tool marketers relied upon to track consumers, the big players such as Microsoft, Facebook, Google and others are quickly moving away from cookies and into their own technology to track consumers across platforms. This valuable data, of course, comes at a cost to advertisers. While advertisers are used to shelling out money for this data, the impact will be felt by the Ad Tech industry, which has relied heavily upon cookies for data.


The sheer scale and number of new top level domains entering the root of the internet coupled with Hummingbird's search for good content will mean that authentic domains in new TLDs related to their content and business category will likely rank higher in organic search.



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