How to Assess an Ad's Creativity - HBR | The MarTech Digest |
This test can help you better target your ad investments.

Originality: An original ad comprises elements that are rare, surprising, or move away from the obvious and commonplace. The focal element here is uniqueness of the ideas or features contained in the ad.

Flexibility: Flexibility is seen in an ad's ability to link a product to a range of different uses or ideas.

Elaboration:  Many ads are creative because they contain unexpected details or extend basic ideas so they become more intricate and complicated.

Synthesis: An ad that is creative along this dimension blends normally unrelated objects or ideas.

Artistic Value: Ads with a high level of artistic creativity contain aesthetically appealing verbal, visual or sound elements. Their production quality is high, their dialog is clever, their color palettes is original, or their choice of music is somehow memorable.


Combining elaboration with originality had almost double the average impact of a creative pairing on sales, closely followed by the combination of Artistic Value and Originality (1.89, accounting for 11% of all combos). The weakest combination was flexibility and elaboration, which had less than half the average pairing's impact on sales. Yet we found that in terms of usage there was little difference between them: advertisers did not seem to favor any one combination over the other.