Investors Build New Marketing Tools For The Visual Web | TechCrunch | The MarTech Digest |


Traditional advertising in the television era was a many-to-one conversation, dictated by the companies who were shilling their wares to an audience they rarely saw or heard. The Internet has given consumers an ability to interact with brands in unprecedented ways, and now companies are scrambling to figure out who’s using their brands, when, where and how.


Enter venture capital. A slew of new startup companies, including Ditto Labs, Chute (which are both backed by Batelle), Piqora, and Scoopr Media, have raised or are seeking capital from venture investors to sell tools to consumer goods companies to help them understand the ways their brands are being used, abused, and refused by the teeming Internet masses.


Companies like Offerpop, which raised its cash from Edison Ventures, Hearst Ventures and, show the link between advertising and customer relationship management (I mean… is investing).


“[Marketers] are all about capturing the conversations and communications that voices are having around brands in visual media,” says Lansford. “That’s a product we’ve been working on. It’s around building an understanding of individuals as they relate to your brand and having a central system of records around those brands.”



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