Email Append: Why Hashed Emails Are Essential to Identity Matching - TowerData | The MarTech Digest |

"Think of the connection between hashed emails and identity matching like this: hashed emails are the key that unlocks the door and identity matching are the steps taken once inside. Hashed emails feature a built-in code that is similar to a cookie on your browser. Through this code, hashed emails can collect subscriber emails and then encrypt the data into a hexadecimal string.


Hashed emails are essential to identity matching, which refers to the tracking of behavior across various mediums so you can deliver messages that are relevant to the audience.


While the benefits of hashed emails may be clear to marketers, some businesses may only have access to direct mail lists or social media pages. Good news: There are ways to match this information to hashed email addresses. Once you acquire these addresses, you can use them to fuel multi-channel marketing efforts and increase overall engagement."