Automating $30B in lead-gen: Integrate grows 20% a month tackling marketing's last mile - VentureBeat | The MarTech Digest |
Integrate is a four-year-old company that has built a network, of sorts, connecting sales-and-marketing dependent businesses with upwards of 3,500 media partners. The businesses need leads, the media partners need ad revenue, and Integrate connects them in a structured way. If you’re a business looking for leads, you set up a campaign, define your criteria, and input your instructions.

Integrate tells you which media partners would work best. You can invite your own preferred media partners onto the platform if you wish, or you can simply pick from the publishers in the marketplace.

Once your campaign is initiated, your chosen media partners upload normalized data — leads, prospects, clicks, and more — into Integrate, which then verifies all contact information. Anything that does not validate gets passed back to the partner for replacement or fixing. The result, Vaughan says, is clean, formatted data, tagged with subIDs for source, time, and other information, that can be ingested straight into Salesforce, another CRM system, or a marketing automation system.



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