Buyers Want to Talk to People and Stare at Screens | ITMSA | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |
For big B2B purchases, online channels are necessary but not sufficient. Person-to-person communication with buyers is richer as a means of conveying targeted information.

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And it’s not just emotions that flow from personal interactions. It’s the precise information that prospects and customers seek. No search algorithm can match the response of a subject matter expert. In quantity of results, certainly; in keyword matches, no doubt. But inquiries from a person contain context that cookies do not know (or know in only a fragmentary and incomplete way).


Psychologist Albert Mehrabian broke communication down into three Vs: visual (55% of the information), tone of voice (38%), and words (7%). The web offers only words. People communicate with words, but also the other 93%—which ensures that their conversational partners have a rich context to interpret their queries.



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