Investing in the Future With an Open Marketing Platform - ClickZ | The MarTech Digest |


Many of the hosted marketing solutions - from Web analytics to email service providers - typically lock up the data behind firewalls. In some cases, they provide an API to access data, but there's a cost for retrieving it. And like the early days of the mainframes, there's little or no operability between hosted solutions. In other words, these systems don't talk to each other without building proprietary connectors. That lack of interoperability between solutions and restricted access to data continues to stifle the industry.



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History does repeat itself, and that's why I believe that openness and flexibility will define the best marketing solutions of the future. Indeed, that evolution is already upon us. Tag management companies have been leading the charge because they enable the marketing team to centralize tag deployment and data collection across every digital marketing application. All tagged marketing data comes through one system, liberating data for the enterprise that generated it in the first place.


An "agnostic" approach to building a marketing platform is so essential:

>> Choose the best solutions for your needs. Don't let vendors hold you or your data hostage.

>> Ensure you have the flexibility to take advantage of advances in data management, visualization, analytics, and personalization without having to rip and replace your entire system.

>> Compare the cost and performance of your marketing solutions. There are an increasing number of good options out there!