16 Eye-Opening Sales & Marketing Stats - Pardot | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest | Scoop.it
Curious how other B2B companies are approaching their lead generation strategy? What about their technology usage, or their approach to lead nurturing?


    Nurtured leads produce, on average, a 20% increase in sales opportunities versus non-nurtured leads. (DemandGen Report)

    Companies with mature lead generation and management practices have a 9.3% higher sales quota achievement rate. (CSO Insights)

    Companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales-ready leads at 33% lower cost. (Forrester Research)

    Nurtured leads make 47% larger purchases than non-nurtured leads. (The Annuitas Group)

    Companies that automate lead management see a 10% or greater increase in revenue in 6-9 months. (Gartner Research)

    90% of business buyers say when they’re ready to buy, they’ll find you. (DemandGen Report)

    Research shows that 35-50% of sales go to the vendor that responds first. (InsideSales.com)

    70% of the buying process is now complete by the time a prospect is ready to engage with sales. (SiriusDecisions)

    61% of B2B marketers send all leads directly to sales; however, only 27% of those leads will be qualified. (MarketingSherpa)

    The adoption of marketing automation technology is expected to increase 50% by 2015. (SiriusDecisions)

    The marketing automation market is predicted to grow from $3.2 billion in 2010 to $4.8 billion in 2015. (International Data Corporation)

    A quarter of all B2B Fortune 500 companies are already using marketing automation, along with 76% of the world’s largest SaaS companies. (Pardot)

    84% of top performing companies are using or plan to start using marketing automation between 2012 to 2015. (Gleanster)

    Marketing automation platform users have a 53% higher conversion rate from marketing response to marketing-qualified lead than non-users. (Aberdeen Group)

    63% of survey respondents indicate that the ability to set measurable objectives for each of their campaigns is the biggest value driver of marketing automation. (Gleanster)

    77% of CMOs at top performing companies indicate that their most compelling reason for implementing marketing automation is to increase revenue. (Gleanster)