Salesfusion launches 'first ever' predictive lead scoring inside a marketing automation system - VentureBeat | #TheMarketingTechAlert | The MarTech Digest |

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Marketing automation vendor Salesfusion launched a new integrated lead scoring engine within its core product this morning.


Salesfusion acquired the capability when it purchased competitor LoopFuse in January. The new functionality will automatically analyze data from events such as email opens, web page views, webinar attendance, online form completions, and white paper downloads to score leads. The company also has built in Pandora-like functionality that allows you to view “other leads like this” or “fewer leads like that” to bolster machine intelligence with human experience and intuition — thereby training the data engine faster.


The company representative I contacted said that only 60-70 percent of marketing automation system installs globally are currently using lead scoring, meaning that most companies have not invested in additional software tools to improve their results. With this announcement, of course, Salesfusion’s customers won’t have to.



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