Recon Talks to Skyhook Wireless About Wearable Technology | Internet of Things & Wearable Technology Insights |

Skyhook met with CEO Rudi Airisto at CES in Las Vegas to learn more about Recon and their ideas on Wearable Technology trends.

...What does the future of wearable tech look like, what milestone will the wearable community achieve in the next 12 months?

The big thing for us is getting the Jet out and proving the use case for the sporting community. We are looking to extend, we want to get our SDK out there so that we can really start getting applications that enhance current use cases and open new applications we haven't imagined yet. 

If you could enable any new kind of functionality on your wearable device, what would it be? 

I am looking forward to building contextual relevance around the user to further improve their experiences....