How to Use Apple’s Screen Time Controls on iOS 12 - WIRED | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |
THE ARRIVAL OF iOS 12 means you can now use Apple's long-awaited suite of Screen Time tools. The new features, which appear under Settings > Screen Time, are designed to give you a better idea of how you're spending time on your phone and limit the time you spend on certain apps.

It’s all part of a greater push by tech companies to mitigate the ways personal devices are engineered to be addictive, by creating all kinds of new “digital wellness” features. Similar features showed up on Facebook and Instagram this summer, and Android’s own set of screen time tools are currently in beta on Android Pie.

Looking to use your phone less? Scroll down—mindfully and purposefully!—to find out how to get the most out of Apple's Screen Time tools.

Via John Evans