WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation
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WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation
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OpenAI prohibits its users from knowingly generating content from a number of categories - this is great, but at the same time scary when you think others may not have the same level of restraint #...

OpenAI prohibits its users from knowingly generating content from a number of categories - this is great, but at the same time scary when you think others may not have the same level of restraint #... | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it

OpenAI is committed to the safe deployment of AI. Since the launch of our API, we’ve made deploying applications faster and more streamlined while adding new safety features. Our progress with safeguards makes it possible to remove the waitlist for GPT-3. Starting today, developers in supported countries can sign

Farid Mheir's insight:

WHY IT MATTERS: this is the list of prohibited content categories that openAI prohibits its users from generating machine learning from. This is great and I salute it. At the same time, it makes me shiver to think that other less scrupulous groups will voluntarily target those to create nefarious AI models. The future is bleak...

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Put this on your long-term #AI radar: put #Memristors in Neural Networks because they act like neurons, are low-power and non volatile via @IEEESpectrum

Put this on your long-term #AI radar: put #Memristors in Neural Networks because they act like neurons, are low-power and non volatile via @IEEESpectrum | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it

Newfound “edge AI” applications for device that integrates memory and computing, has randomness built in, sips battery power

Farid Mheir's insight:

WHY IT MATTERS: a bit geeky but this article explains quite well how memristors can become the basis for improve AI systems in the future.

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Two #Montreal firms in Constellation ShortList Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Best-of-Breed Platforms #AI #ML

Two #Montreal firms in Constellation ShortList Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Best-of-Breed Platforms #AI #ML | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it

This Constellation ShortList™ presents Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Best-of-Breed Platforms relevant to early adopters pursuing digital transformation. Offerings included in this document meet the threshold criteria for this category as determined by Constellation Research.

Farid Mheir's insight:

WHY IT MATTERS: because 2 / 14 are Montreal-based!

Scooped by Farid Mheir

GPT-3 is an acronym you should become familiar with as it marks a new level in automatic text generation - OpenAI’s new language generator GPT-3 is shockingly good and completely mindless via @MIT #AI

GPT-3 is an acronym you should become familiar with as it marks a new level in automatic text generation - OpenAI’s new language generator GPT-3 is shockingly good and completely mindless via @MIT #AI | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it

GPT-3 is the most powerful language model ever. Its predecessor, GPT-2, released last year, was already able to spit out convincing streams of text in a range of different styles when prompted with an opening sentence. But GPT-3 is a big leap forward. The model has 175 billion parameters (the values that a neural network tries to optimize during training), compared with GPT-2’s already vast 1.5 billion. And with language models, size really does matter.

Farid Mheir's insight:

WHY IT MATTERS: text generation is a major improvement that is just around the corner. More and more we will see emails, blog posts, articles and even books be completely written using AI.

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Better Together: Humanity + Machine Learning is a video from @a16z that reviews examples of innovative solutions and #startups where #AI #machineLearning and other advanced technologies enhance hum...

Better Together: Humanity + Machine Learning is a video from @a16z that reviews examples of innovative solutions and #startups where #AI #machineLearning and other advanced technologies enhance hum... | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it

Artificial intelligence has not only become an international arms race, competition has now heated up as companies look to adopt machine learning/deep learning at an unprecedented pace. But the conversation about AI has largely focused on pitting humanity against AI, instead of what happens when we bring together humans *with* AI. In this talk by a16z operating partner Frank Chen, given at the annual a16z Summit, Chen goes beyond the hype to look forward at how AI and automation will augment, enhance, create, and yes, replace humans…. but also highlighting what it is that makes us human to begin with.

Farid Mheir's insight:

WHY IT MATTERS: there are already a number of usable applications for AI in use today in organizations worldwide, large and small. This is one good list from a16z in an easy to listen video with great examples of innovative startups in the field.

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Scooped by Farid Mheir

A great explanation of transfer learning and why it has become Machine Learning's Next Frontier #AI #MachineLearning

A great explanation of transfer learning and why it has become Machine Learning's Next Frontier #AI #MachineLearning | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it

Andrew Ng, chief scientist at Baidu and professor at Stanford, said during his widely popular NIPS 2016 tutorial that transfer learning will be -- after supervised learning -- the next driver of ML commercial success.

Farid Mheir's insight:

WHY IT MATTERS: machine learning biggest advantage over human learning is that machines can share what they learn. For example, robots and self-driving cars can train using a simulator before they go in the real world. Moreover they can transfer what they learn in one field - say cat-dog image analysis - and apply it to another domain - say reading medical X-ray. This vastly improves the speed with which machines learn. This is a definitive advantage for machines that can ride digital technology's exponential growth. Ultimately, machines will become way more intelligent than humans because of their capacity to leverage the sum of all previous knowledge from birth, unlike us humans. We are doomed!

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Scooped by Farid Mheir

.@Stanford release the #AI index for 2017 full of data and analysis on the state of AI today #mustRead

.@Stanford release the #AI index for 2017 full of data and analysis on the state of AI today #mustRead | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it

The AI Index is an open, not-for-profit project to track activity and progress in AI. It aspires to be a comprehensive resource of data and analysis for policymakers, researchers, executives, journalists and others to rapidly develop intuitions about the complex field of AI.
AI is the new electricity, and is transforming multiple industries. The AI Index will help current generations track and navigate this societal transformations. It will also help future generations look back and understand the AI's rise.

Farid Mheir's insight:

WHY IT MATTERS: AI evolves rapidly and this report presents the state of the world (mostly the US at this time) as it relates to AI. Must read.

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Scooped by Farid Mheir

#weekendReading this 8-part blog post called "Machine Learning is Fun!" is a very good overview of what #AI technologies are all about

#weekendReading this 8-part blog post called "Machine Learning is Fun!" is a very good overview of what #AI technologies are all about | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it

This guide is for anyone who is curious about machine learning but has no idea where to start. I imagine there are a lot of people who tried reading the wikipedia article, got frustrated and gave up wishing someone would just give them a high-level explanation. That’s what this is. The goal is be accessible to anyone — which means that there’s a lot of generalizations. But who cares? If this gets anyone more interested in ML, then mission accomplished.

Farid Mheir's insight:

WHY IT MATTERS: this series of article present the fundamental technologies behind AI in a very simple and easy to understand way.

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Scooped by Farid Mheir

Modern Face Recognition with #DeepLearning and simple program anyone can try

Modern Face Recognition with #DeepLearning and simple program anyone can try | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it

This technology is called face recognition. Facebook’s algorithms are able to recognize your friends’ faces after they have been tagged only a few times. It’s pretty amazing technology — Facebook can recognize faces with 98% accuracy which is pretty much as good as humans can do!

Farid Mheir's insight:

WHY IT MATTERS: facial recognition libraries have made it very simple to include the feature in any system. Read the article to understand how facial recognition works then jump to this other post to try out the actual code to do it. https://blog.paperspace.com/facial-recognition-using-deep-learning/ 

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Puppy or Muffin? How #deepLearning enabled computer vision & made The Business of Artificial Intelligence possible via @hbr

Puppy or Muffin? How #deepLearning enabled computer vision & made The Business of Artificial Intelligence possible via @hbr | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it

What AI can — and cannot — do for your organization.

Farid Mheir's insight:

WHY IT MATTERS: advances in computer vision due to deep learning algorithms has opened a world of possibilities for companies. Read this article and accompanying HBR posts. Great series.

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Scooped by Farid Mheir

New Theory helps explain how Deep Learning works @QuantaMagazine @Wired

New Theory helps explain how Deep Learning works @QuantaMagazine @Wired | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it

A new idea is helping to explain the puzzling success of today’s artificial-intelligence algorithms — and might also explain how human brains learn.

Farid Mheir's insight:


This article explains how deep learning neural networks learn to generalize and find patterns in their inputs by initially finding patterns then compressing to forget irrelevant elements and generalize what they've "learned". Well illustrated and relatively simple to understand.

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Scooped by Farid Mheir

Now anyone can explore machine learning, no coding required

Now anyone can explore machine learning, no coding required | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it
Teachable Machine, an experiment that makes it easier for anyone to explore machine learning. Teach a machine using your camera – live in the browser, no coding required.
Farid Mheir's insight:


You have to try this to better understand how AI works. Moreover, the fact that the network runs on your browser is, by itself, quite the testament to the power of deep learning and machine learning to transform every application and device we own. Now go play!

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Scooped by Farid Mheir

McKinsey's State Of Machine Learning And AI in 2017

McKinsey's State Of Machine Learning And AI in 2017 | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it
Tech giants including Baidu and Google spent between $20B to $30B on AI in 2016, with 90% of this spent on R&D and deployment, and 10% on AI acquisitions. AI investment has turned into a race for patents and intellectual property (IP) among the world’s leading tech companies.
Farid Mheir's insight:


This article from McKinsey provides an overview of the investments, improvements and priorities in AI and machine learning as of mid 2017.

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Scooped by Farid Mheir

Microsoft's voice-recognition tech is now better than teams of humans at transcribing conversations

Microsoft's voice-recognition tech is now better than teams of humans at transcribing conversations | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it

In October 2016, in a big milestone for artificial intelligence, Microsoft unveiled a system that can transcribe the contents of a phone call as well or better than human professionals.

But while Microsoft's system had fewer transcription errors than the average human transcriptionist, it still couldn't best a team of trained humans. So, the world of academia fired back with a new challenge: Lower the error rate to below what human teams can do. 

Now Microsoft has done just that.

Farid Mheir's insight:


Speech recognition is most important for business tasks and new computer interfaces that are small and pervasive (cannot fit a keyboard and mouse on a watch). This new research shows that it is possible to get 5.1% error rates on transcribing phone conversations. This is great but not yet error-free : expect more research to improve this extremely fast though..

This ushers in an era where your cell phone will record everything you say in a meeting - or elsewhere - and transcribe it for you to search the text for reference or recall the actual audio to show proof. Imagine how useful that can be when listening to a conference or class and take notes for you!

Direct links to the Microsoft blog post and report are here:

blog: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/blog/microsoft-researchers-achieve-new-conversational-speech-recognition-milestone/ 

report: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/ms_swbd17-2.pdf 

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Facebook's AI accidentally created its own language & learned to negotiate in #chatbots

Facebook's AI accidentally created its own language & learned to negotiate in #chatbots | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it

Researchers from the Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research lab (FAIR) recently made an unexpected discovery while trying to improve chatbots. The bots — known as “dialog agents” — were creating their own language — well, kinda. Using machine learning algorithms, dialog agents were left to converse freely in an attempt to strengthen their conversational skills.

Farid Mheir's insight:


Humans may not be so smart after all if it takes a few simple neural nets to start to create new languages and communicate. The article is just a teaser, if you want to know more you have to go the the Facebook research group blog to read the full thing.





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A Peek at Trends in Machine Learning shows an explosion in papers recently

A Peek at Trends in Machine Learning shows an explosion in papers recently | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it

Have you looked at Google Trends? It’s pretty cool — you enter some keywords and see how Google Searches of that term vary through time. I thought — hey, I happen to have this arxiv-sanity database of 28,303 (arxiv) Machine Learning papers over the last 5 years, so why not do something similar and take a look at how Machine Learning research has evolved over the last 5 years?

Farid Mheir's insight:


More research = more discoveries so we can expect even more practical uses of machine intelligence in the coming years...

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Scooped by Farid Mheir

#fakeNews was nothing: AI algorithms are creating a frighteningly realistic fake future in #video

#fakeNews was nothing: AI algorithms are creating a frighteningly realistic fake future in #video | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it
Thanks to machine learning, it’s becoming easy to generate realistic video, and to impersonate someone.
Farid Mheir's insight:


If you thought fake news was bad, well an era of fake audio and news clips is about to dawn on us. We need regulations to govern this otherwise there will be consequences in the political, business and personal fronts for sure...


Also see this other blog post on the subject, as it related to fake actors in movies, a much less troublesome use of the technology: http://sco.lt/8Eglqj


This field is moving fast if you compare this to a blog post of January 2016: http://sco.lt/85op5l 

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Scooped by Farid Mheir

AudioSet: A Dataset of 2M audio clips for Audio Event Research

AudioSet: A Dataset of 2M audio clips for Audio Event Research | WHY IT MATTERS: Digital Transformation | Scoop.it

Systems able to recognize sounds familiar to human listeners have a wide range of applications, from adding sound effect information to automatic video captions, to potentially allowing you to search videos for specific audio events. Building Deep Learning systems to do this relies heavily on both a large quantity of computing (often from highly parallel GPUs), and also – and perhaps more importantly – on significant amounts of accurately-labeled training data. However, research in environmental sound recognition is limited by currently available public datasets.
In order to address this, we recently released AudioSet, a collection of over 2 million ten-second YouTube excerpts labeled with a vocabulary of 527 sound event categories, with at least 100 examples for each category.

Farid Mheir's insight:


Training data is crucial for machine intelligence. This kind of stuff will help researchers improve their AI solutions. What is most important is the data has been crowdsourced from youTube videos. It used to be we were the product, not it seems we are the data...

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